Vietnam Peace Suite: Warrior's Dream


Salvador Dalí’s “Vietnam Peace Suite” comprises four colored lithographs, produced in 1973 to celebrate the conclusion of the war in Vietnam.

“Warrior’s Dream,” depicts horses with riders against a blue sky;

“Peace at Last” depicts two figures with holes in the center of their bodies with a yellow and green background;

“The Angel of Peace Covering a Calmer World” depicts a black and white angel with and green branches against a blue and yellow background;

and “The Prisoners Are Free!” depicts a bent black and white figure at the left edge and a nude figure at the right.

Each print is signed on the bottom right and produced by Fidelity World Arts Publisher. The suite of prints was given to the Library in July 1973 by a private donor and are each numbered 109/300

On original plaque:
Salvador Dali
Peace Suite
Liberation: The Prisoners are Free
Angel of Peace Covering a Calmer World
Warrior’s Dream
Peace at Last
According to an article the Skokie Review (July 19, 1973, p. 12), the six-color lithographs were "[c]reated by the artist under exclusive commission to the Skokie-based [Fidelity World Arts]" and "express the hope and relief that Peace brings rather than dwelling on the tragedies of war."

Further, "In the words of the artist, the 'Angel of Peace Covering a Calmer World,' means:
The allusive but majestic Angel of Peace emerges from the chaos and clutter of war. Her action is poised to spread a calming influence across the world. Mankind will return to the way of Peace but he will not forget. The scars of war run deep. And the wreaths of Peace will be in the wind. The sky, a clear, clean blue... the fields - ochre and umber. The bright sun - yellow and warm again. But, she is illusive - and hard to hold. The Angel of Peace must rise and prevail.
Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) is perhaps the most famous of the Surrealists. Throughout his career, he experimented with many forms of art, including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, writing, set design, and film making. Born and raised in Spain, he spent much of his life in France, moving to Paris in 1929 to join the French surrealist movement of the late-1920s and 1930s, but was later expelled from the group. His later life was fraught with controversy when the rights to his own work were sold leaving him with none of the profits.

These prints are not currently on display.


In Copyright

Physical Dimensions

16 x 22 1/4 in. each




Dalí, Salvador, 1904-1989, “Vietnam Peace Suite: Warrior's Dream,” Skokie Public Library History, accessed February 10, 2025,